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14 photos

Freedoms Reflection (11x14)Standing Watch (9x16)Made In AmericaStanding TallThank You RBG (10x10 or 12x12)Let Freedom Spring      (8x12 or 12x18)The Winds of Independence (8x12 or 12x18)From the MountainsRemembering FriendsPatriot's HolidayMidway"Born on the 4th of July"           (8x12 or 12x18)Winter BeaconAnnapolis Warriors

Guestbook for Americana
Judy Cheney(non-registered)
Loved your born on 4th pictures.
Tracy O'Neill(non-registered)
These pictures are gorgeous. Love the ones of Italy and Ireland- makes me want to go back to both places! Also- loved the Outhouse gallery, who knew they could make such a beautiful picture. Appreciated the beauty Tom was able to create with the lighting and backgrounds...
Kerry Murphy(non-registered)
Tom presents Americana in a way that tugs at the heart and fills you with pride.
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